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Credit by Exam

Test out of classes to get closer to your degree at UMGC.

Getting a head start at UMGC Europe could be as easy as passing approved examinations and earning college credit. You can earn credits toward your Associate of Arts degree or bachelor's degree via credit by exam. You can earn these credits as long as there is no duplication of academic credit and your scores meet UMGC standards.

Before registering for an exam, UMGC Europe students are encouraged to seek transfer credit pre-approval from their academic advisor.

Exam Information

See below for information on equivalencies and other information for obtaining credit by exam.

Eligibility Criteria for DANTES-Funded Exams

  • Military personnel (active duty, reserve, National Guard): Army, Navy, Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Navy Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Army, and Air National Guard.
  • Spouses and civilian employees of: Air Force* (civilian employees only), Air Force Reserve, Army Reserve, Coast Guard (active and reserve).

National Test Centers

Test out of some classes to get closer to your degree at UMGC Europe.

Contact Information for Score Reports

Request your test score reports from placement testing agencies.

Other Exams

Advanced Placement Exams

Advanced placement College credit may be granted on the basis of scores on a College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examination. These examinations are normally administered to eligible high school seniors during the May preceding matriculation in college.

A student intending to transfer AP credit that was awarded at another college or similar institution must have a transcript of the original scores sent directly to UMGC from the College Board. When those scores have been received, an evaluator will determine whether they meet the standards established at UMGC for granting AP credit, and how much credit may be awarded.

Cambridge International Examinations

UMGC accepts credits for advanced-level exams taken through Cambridge International Examinations when scores meet UMGC standards. Official transcripts, with scores, must be sent directly to UMGC for review.

Excelsior College Exams

Students may earn credit for successfully completing subject tests offered by Excelsior College. Tests are available in various areas of the arts and sciences, as well as in business. Scores must meet UMGC standards.

International Baccalaureate Exams

If you completed your International Baccalaureate exam before graduating from high school, you could be able to transfer applicable credits to your UMGC degree.

Industry-Specific Certification

If you’ve taken one of several industry-standard certification exams (such as CompTIA, Microsoft, or Cisco) within the past five years, UMGC could accept your certification for college credit. You'll just need to submit documentation of your certification. See which certifications you can turn into credit.

Course Challenge Exams

After you are a student at UMGC, you can apply for a Course Challenge exam (offered through our Prior Learning program). In this program, you can earn credit by taking the equivalent of the final exam for a UMGC course.

Additional Information

UMGC also accepts credit for professional examinations listed in the American Council on Education Guide to Educational Credit by Examination. We may accept credits by examination awarded by other approved institutions for courses that appear on an official transcript with a grade of C or better. If you have questions about credit by examination, contact an academic advisor.

Limitations for Credit by Exam

Learn about the limitations on credit by exam.

  • You can't attempt credit by examination if you are taking an exam for a course which already appears on your transcript.
  • If you are pursuing a second bachelor's degree, you can't use standardized examination credit to satisfy the requirement for graduation that courses be taken at UMGC.
  • No more than 3 semester hours of writing credit may be earned through credit-by-examination.

UMGC is not responsible for determining students' prior knowledge or preparation for these exams. Approval to take exams does not guarantee award of credit. Other conditions, such as the appropriate score, must be satisfied. All information on credit by exam is subject to change without notice.

Academic Advising

Plan and complete your educational goals with an advisor's support.

Fast Paths to Credit

Fast track your degree at UMGC Europe by earning credit for work and military experience.

Contact Us

Our helpful admissions advisors can help you choose an academic program to fit your career goals, estimate your transfer credits, and develop a plan for your education costs that fits your budget. If you're a current UMGC student, please visit the Help Center.

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