Use this schedule to plan your on-site courses with UMGC Europe.
Using the Interactive Schedule: You can search for courses by clicking on the column headers to sort by country, session, education center, course code and title, and the number of credits. To refine your search by sorting more than one column at a time, simply click on the column headers you would like while holding down the shift key. You can also use the search box below to narrow your choices.
Tentative Annual Schedules
Country | Education Center | Session | Course | Course Title | Cr. |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Belgium | SHAPE | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
England | Alconbury | Fall Session 1 | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
England | Alconbury | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 160 | Principles of Mgmt | 3 |
England | Alconbury | Fall Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
England | Alconbury | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
England | Croughton | Fall Session 1 | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
England | Croughton | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 160 | Principles of Mgmt | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 201 | Human Anatomy Physiology I | 4 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | SOCY 100 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 160 | Principles of Mgmt | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 2 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 1 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 1 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 2 | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 2 | BMGT 317 | Decision-Mkng & Problem-Slving | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 2 | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Summer | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Summer | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
England | Lakenheath | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
England | Mildenhall | Fall Session 1 | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
England | Mildenhall | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
England | Mildenhall | Fall Session 2 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
England | Mildenhall | Spring Session 1 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
England | Mildenhall | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
England | Mildenhall | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | ACCT 220 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | ARAB 111 | Elementary Arabic I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | ARAB 112 | Elementary Arabic II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | BEHS 210 | Introduction to Social Science | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 307 | The Biology of Aging | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 304 | Managing E-Commerce in Orgs | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 365 | Organizational Leadership | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 380 | Business Law I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 345 | Intro to Security Management | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | CMIT 202 | Fund of Cmptr Troubleshooting | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | GERO 100 | Contemporary Issues in Aging | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | GVPT 403 | Law, Morality, and War | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | HIST 289 | Historical Methods | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 353 | Psychopathology & Mental Hlth | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 354 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | SPAN 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | ACCT 221 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | ARAB 114 | Elementary Arabic III | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 307 | The Biology of Aging | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 496 | Business Ethics | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | CCJS 352 | Drugs and Crime | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | CMIT 265 | Fundamentals of Networking | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | IFSM 300 | Information Systems in Orgs | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | MRKT 310 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | MUSC 210 | Music as Cultural Expression | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | PHIL 304 | Contemp. Social Justice Issues | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 300 | Research Methods in Psychology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 310 | Sensation and Perception | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 437 | Positive Psychology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ARTT 152 | Basics of Photography | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | BEHS 220 | Diversity Awareness | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | BIOL 304 | The Biology of Cancer | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | BIOL 328 | Bioethics | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | BMGT 160 | Principles of Mgmt | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | CMST 100B | Word Processing | 1 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | CMST 100D | Presentation Graphics | 1 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | CMST 100G | Spreadsheet Applications | 1 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ECON 203 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | GERM 333 | German Society and Culture | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | HIST 141 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | HIST 156 | History United States to 1865 | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | IFSM 300 | Information Systems in Orgs | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | ITAL 333 | Italian Life and Culture I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | MRKT 310 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | PACE 111B | Prog & Career Expl in Business | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | PACE 111T | Prog & Career Expl in Tech | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | PSYC 220 | Social Psychology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | PSYC 332 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | SOCY 100 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Intersession | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | ARAB 115 | Elementary Arabic IV | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 105 | Introduction to Criminology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | CMIT 320 | Network Security | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | FINC 330 | Business Finance | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | HIST 495 | History Capstone | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 211 | Intermediate Italian I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 332 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 341 | Memory and Cognition | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 436 | Intro to Clinical Psychology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | ARAB 111 | Elementary Arabic I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 301 | Human Health and Disease | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 302 | Bacteria Viruses and Health | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | BMGT 495 | Strategic Management | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | CCJS 340 | Law Enforcement Administration | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | HRMN 367 | Organize Culture & Change | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 220 | Social Psychology | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 310 | Sensation and Perception | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 338 | Psychology of Gender | 3 |
Europe Virtual | Europe Virtual | Spring Session 2 | SPAN 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 1 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 2 | CMSC 100 | Social Ntwrk & Cybrsc Bst Prac | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 2 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 2 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 1 | ACCT 220 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 160 | Human Biology | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 161 | Lab In Human Biology | 1 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Ansbach-Katterbach | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | CAPL 398A | Career Planning Management | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | ENGL 102 | Composition and Literature | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 251 | Lifespan Development | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 309BP | Stress & Stress Mgmt | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | BEHS 250 | Social Justice Movements | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | CMST 100G | Spreadsheet Applications | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | HIST 326 | The Roman Republic | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | CAPL 398A | Career Planning Management | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 101 | Intro Investigative Forensics | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | CMST 100B | Word Processing | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | HIST 156 | History United States to 1865 | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | BMGT 121B | Communication & Collaboration | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Summer | PSYC 309VG | Emotional Well-Being | 1 |
Germany | Baumholder | Summer | PSYC 353 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Baumholder | Summer | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Fall Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Fall Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Geilenkirchen | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 307 | The Biology of Aging | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 304 | Managing E-Commerce in Orgs | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | GERO 100 | Contemporary Issues in Aging | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 353 | Psychopathology & Mental Hlth | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 301 | Human Health and Disease | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | CMSC 100 | Social Ntwrk & Cybrsc Bst Prac | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | GERM 333 | German Society and Culture | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | ACCT 220 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 301 | Human Health and Disease | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 310 | Sensation and Perception | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Grafenwoehr | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 393 | Advanced Technical Writing | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 307 | The Biology of Aging | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 2 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 1 | ACCT 220 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 393 | Advanced Technical Writing | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Summer | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Germany | Hohenfels | Summer | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Germany | Illesheim | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 201 | Human Anatomy Physiology I | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | CHEM 103 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 354 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 202 | Human Anatomy Physiology II | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 2 | CHEM 113 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 2 | IFSM 300 | Information Systems in Orgs | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 2 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Fall Session 2 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 201 | Human Anatomy Physiology I | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 1 | CHEM 103 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 332 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 202 | Human Anatomy Physiology II | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 2 | CHEM 113 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Kapaun | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111S | Prog & Car Expl in Hlth & Sci | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 1 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 1 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 2 | CAPL 398A | Career Planning Management | 1 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 2 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 101 | Intro Investigative Forensics | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 2 | CAPL 398A | Career Planning Management | 1 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Spring Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Summer | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Summer | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Kaiserslautern-Rob | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Landstuhl | Fall Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Landstuhl | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 103 | Introduction to Biology | 4 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 365 | Organizational Leadership | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | CMIT 202 | Fund of Cmptr Troubleshooting | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | CMIT 265 | Fundamentals of Networking | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | HIST 141 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | HIST 326 | The Roman Republic | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | MRKT 310 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | CMIT 291 | Introduction to Linux | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | CMIT 320 | Network Security | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | GERM 333 | German Society and Culture | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Ramstein | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 338 | Psychology of Gender | 3 |
Germany | Sembach | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Sembach | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Sembach | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Sembach | Summer | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 1 | BMGT 317 | Decision-Mkng & Problem-Slving | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 1 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 2 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Spangdahlem | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart | Summer | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart | Summer | GERM 333 | German Society and Culture | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart | Summer | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart | Summer | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart | Summer | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart | Summer | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | BEHS 210 | Introduction to Social Science | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 304 | Managing E-Commerce in Orgs | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | GVPT 403 | Law, Morality, and War | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | MUSC 210 | Music as Cultural Expression | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 310 | Sensation and Perception | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 436 | Intro to Clinical Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 338 | Psychology of Gender | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Stuttgart-Boeblingen-Panzer | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 380 | Business Law I | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 345 | Intro to Security Management | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | HIST 141 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 160 | Human Biology | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 161 | Lab In Human Biology | 1 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | CMSC 100 | Social Ntwrk & Cybrsc Bst Prac | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 310 | Sensation and Perception | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | HIST 202 | Principles of War | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 436 | Intro to Clinical Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | CCJS 340 | Law Enforcement Administration | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Summer | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Germany | Vilseck | Summer | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden | Summer | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden | Summer | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | BEHS 210 | Introduction to Social Science | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | BMGT 380 | Business Law I | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | CCJS 345 | Intro to Security Management | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | GERM 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | GERM 211 | Intermediate German I | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | HIST 141 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 391 | Advanced Research Writing | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | CCJS 352 | Drugs and Crime | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | MRKT 310 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | MUSC 210 | Music as Cultural Expression | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 300 | Research Methods in Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | PSYC 437 | Positive Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 393 | Advanced Technical Writing | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 1 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 105 | Introduction to Criminology | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | GERM 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | GERM 212 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | HRMN 367 | Organize Culture & Change | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | PSYC 220 | Social Psychology | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Germany | Wiesbaden-Army | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 393 | Advanced Technical Writing | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | CMIT 202 | Fund of Cmptr Troubleshooting | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | HIST 289 | Historical Methods | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 160 | Human Biology | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 161 | Lab In Human Biology | 1 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | CMIT 265 | Fundamentals of Networking | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | ECON 203 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 201 | Human Anatomy Physiology I | 4 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | CMIT 320 | Network Security | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | HIST 495 | History Capstone | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 211 | Intermediate Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 341 | Memory and Cognition | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 202 | Human Anatomy Physiology II | 4 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 212 | Intermediate Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | BIOL 301 | Human Health and Disease | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | ITAL 211 | Intermediate Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Aviano | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Livorno (Camp Darby) | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Livorno (Camp Darby) | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Livorno (Camp Darby) | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Livorno (Camp Darby) | Spring Session 2 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 201 | Human Anatomy Physiology I | 4 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | CMIT 202 | Fund of Cmptr Troubleshooting | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | ECON 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | ENGL 102 | Composition and Literature | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | HIST 317F | History and Culture of Naples | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | ARTT 110 | Introduction to Drawing | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 211 | Environmental Science | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 212 | Environmental Science Lab | 1 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | CMIT 265 | Fundamentals of Networking | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | ECON 203 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | BMGT 364 | Management and Org Theory | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | NUTR 101 | Nutrition Laboratory | 1 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 160 | Human Biology | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 161 | Lab In Human Biology | 1 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | HRMN 300 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | IFSM 300 | Information Systems in Orgs | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 393 | Advanced Technical Writing | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Summer | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Summer | BIOL 301 | Human Health and Disease | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Summer | BMGT 110 | Intro to Business Management | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Summer | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Summer | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Naples | Summer | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | ARTT 110 | Introduction to Drawing | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | BMGT 496 | Business Ethics | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 160 | Human Biology | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 161 | Lab In Human Biology | 1 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 2 | ARTH 334 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 2 | GVPT 100 | Introduction Political Science | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 2 | IFSM 300 | Information Systems in Orgs | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 393 | Advanced Technical Writing | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | BMGT 110 | Intro to Business Management | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Sigonella | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | CMIT 202 | Fund of Cmptr Troubleshooting | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | HIST 337 | Europe and the World | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | CMIT 265 | Fundamentals of Networking | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | ECON 203 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | PHIL 304 | Contemp. Social Justice Issues | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 160 | Human Biology | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | BIOL 161 | Lab In Human Biology | 1 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | ITAL 211 | Intermediate Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | PSYC 341 | Memory and Cognition | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 394 | Advanced Business Writing | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 302 | Bacteria Viruses and Health | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | IFSM 300 | Information Systems in Orgs | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | ITAL 212 | Intermediate Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | CMST 301 | Digital Media and Society | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | ITAL 111 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | ITAL 112 | Elementary Italian II | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Italy | Vicenza | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Netherlands | Brunssum | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Portugal | Lajes, Azores | Fall Session 1 | PORT 111 | Elementary Portuguese I | 3 |
Portugal | Lajes, Azores | Fall Session 2 | PORT 111 | Elementary Portuguese I | 3 |
Portugal | Lajes, Azores | Spring Session 1 | PORT 112 | Elementary Portuguese II | 3 |
Portugal | Lajes, Azores | Spring Session 2 | PORT 111 | Elementary Portuguese I | 3 |
Portugal | Lajes, Azores | Summer | PORT 111 | Elementary Portuguese I | 3 |
Spain | Moron | Fall Session 1 | SPAN 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
Spain | Moron | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Spain | Moron | Spring Session 1 | CCJS 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
Spain | Moron | Spring Session 2 | SPAN 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | CMIT 202 | Fund of Cmptr Troubleshooting | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | SPAN 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 2 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 2 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 2 | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 2 | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | BEHS 343 | Parenting Today | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 101 | Concepts of Biology | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | BIOL 102 | Laboratory in Biology | 1 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | ENGL 103 | Introduction to Mythology | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | MATH 107 | College Algebra | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Spring Session 2 | SPAN 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | BIOL 181 | Life in the Oceans | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | BIOL 182 | Marine Biology Laboratory | 1 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | LIBS 150 | Introduction to Research | 1 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | PACE 111M | Prog and Car explor Mult Stds | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | STAT 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
Spain | Rota | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 1 | IFSM 201 | Concepts & Apps of Info Tech | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 1 | PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 1 | TURK 111 | Elementary Turkish I | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 2 | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 2 | GVPT 170 | American Government | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 2 | HIST 142 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Fall Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 1 | HUMN 100 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 1 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 1 | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 2 | GVPT 100 | Introduction Political Science | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 2 | HIST 157 | History of the US Since 1865 | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 2 | MATH 105 | Topics for Mathematical Lit | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Spring Session 2 | WRTG 112 | Academic Writing II | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Summer | ARTH 204 | Film American Culture Studies | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Summer | NUTR 100 | Elements of Nutrition | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Summer | SPCH 100 | Foundations of Oral Comm | 3 |
Turkey | Adana (Incirlik AFB) | Summer | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
Turkey | Izmir | Fall Session 1 | TURK 111 | Elementary Turkish I | 3 |
Turkey | Izmir | Spring Session 1 | WRTG 111 | Academic Writing I | 3 |
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