Cyberspace and Cybersecurity Foundations
CST 610 | 6 Credits
Course Desc: Gain knowledge of the foundations of cybersecurity, and apply cyber methodologies to cyber architectures, services, protocols, algorithms, hardware and software components, and programming languages. Become familiar with the important role that business continuity planning, security management practices, security architecture, operations security, and physical security play in cybersecurity. Explore the impact of cyber terrorism and national security on cybersecurity. Gain hands-on, real-world experience with state-of-the-art tools and technologies in a lab-intensive environment. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CST 610 or DFC 610.
Prevention of Cyber Attack Methodologies
CST 620 | 6 Credits
Course Desc: Prerequisite: CST 610. Explore the theories and practices related to the prevention of cyber-attacks. Design, apply, and analyze technological solutions that address countermeasures, encryption, network access control methods, firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, and secure systems development. Practice techniques such as software assurance, verification, and validation; virtual network and cloud computing security techniques; and physical security techniques. Examine the nation's complex critical infrastructure industries. Use state-of-the-art tools and technologies in a lab-intensive environment that provide hands-on, real-world experience.
Advanced Cyber Exploitation and Mitigation Methodologies
CST 630 | 6 Credits
Course Desc: Prerequisite: CST 620. Practice intrusion detection and prevention, exploitation, and mitigation in cyberspace. Employ technological solutions that identify, resolve, prevent, and mitigate cyber attacks Utilize network security techniques, monitoring, auditing, intrusion detection and prevention, and ethical penetration testing. Use state-of-the-art tools and technologies in a lab-intensive environment that provide hands-on, real-world experience.
Digital Forensics Technology and Practices
CST 640 | 6 Credits
Course Desc: Prerequisite: CST 630. Gain proficiency with the tools and technologies commonly used in forensic examinations, and utilize best practices. Explore procedures for securing and validating evidence, including digital media and physical memory, as well as for recovering artifacts and analyzing, reporting, and presenting results in both criminal and civil situations. Gain experience with mobile forensic analysis. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CST 640 or DFC 620.
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